Helpful Healthy Tips for an Indian Diet
This is a Sponsored guest post by Joe Fleming.
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Portions Matter: Portioning your food generally doesn’t mean you need to eat less. Portioning can bring balance to your body if you pay attention to what you eat and when you eat it. Also, if you are portioning properly when you eat throughout the day, not just during mealtime, you will most likely have more energy to power through your day. The recommendation for daily intake of Kcal per day is around 2320 for men and around 1900 for women. Portioning can also help your body get the right vitamins at the times of the day your body needs them most.
Each portion on your plate should be no more than about four ounces each. Try to make sure each portion is a variety of foods made up of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, fats, oils, cereals, and pulses. That means trying to include all five of the major food groups each time you eat. A few great sources of protein to consider are cottage cheese, leafy greens, milk, sprouts, eggs, and pulses. Another idea you could try is adding fruit to your oats, cereal, or cottage cheese.
Hydration: When you think of hydration you may think only of water but most people try to hydrate themselves in other ways. Some people may drink smoothies which take away from how your body could take advantage of the nutrients that fruits offer. Many people may casually or frequently drink sodas which could fill your body with chemicals that might affect everything from your kidneys to your blood.
Sodas also may have the high potential to cause your body to gain weight even if you exercise and focus on portions. Getting the recommended minimum eight full glasses of water throughout your day can do more than just keep you hydrated. Drinking a glass of water when you first wake up can help wake your organs up and might even help you get going, but it also is beneficial to drink a glass of water before bed to help your body prepare to get fully rested.
Eat What You Love: Carbs are going to likely be a main source for your body’s energy and a majority of what you may need daily comes from foods like millets, pulses or cereal, which are plant-based foods. You don’t have to cut carbs out but try to be mindful of how many carbs you are eating per meal and try to balance them out throughout the day. You could try switching white rice out with brown rice.
Rice may be a high source of carbohydrates but brown rice likely comes with better health benefits such as fiber and whole grains. Many Indian spices and dishes can be very good for your body and substituting ingredients doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice flavor or enjoyment. Cottage cheese may be one of those foods that surprise you the more you try experimenting with it.
Sugar is Dangerous: There commonly are three types of sugar called fructose, lactose and sucrose. Fructose and lactose are very good for you and try to work really well with your organs and blood while sucrose could cause significant health issues like high blood pressure and diabetes. Sucrose can be found in more than just sweets or soda and may appear in the most unlikely of places.
The sucrose form of sugar could do dangerous things like over exhaust your liver and cause your liver to try to push the dangerous excess fat on top of your organs and into your bloodstream. There is a condition that may likely be becoming more frequent throughout the world called “fatty liver disease” that could potentially kill you and is caused by overeating sucrose. Try to make it a habit to use less and intake less sugar by checking labels when you buy food and measuring less into the foods you may cook. Another good step is to try to find alternative sweeteners like honey or brown sugar in opposition to white sugar.
Fructose and lactose are forms of sugar that can be naturally found in foods like fruit, honey, and milk. While intaking these two forms can be healthier for you, overindulgence in these could still be harmful and lead to tooth decay or gum disease. Consequently, taking steps to look after your teeth and frequent checkups with a Dentist in Chicago or a dentist in your area are vital if you eat a high sugar diet. That is another reason portions can be so important for you. Paying attention to which types of sugar you may be ingesting could possibly prevent a variety of health issues.
Importance of Supplements: Even if you eat the most balanced diet you possibly can, you will probably still need to take some form of supplement. Some people find something with pain relief properties for aches and pains (like Blessed CBD oil, for instance) can be just what they need, whilst others simply want a bit of a boost to their everyday diet. You can find a wide range of health supplements and medications by heading to the website of an online pharmacy such as Blink Health. There are also alternative health supplements that many people find helpful when it comes to their health. Some often turn to alternative remedies such as turmeric and maeng da kratom, as well as others that can help to improve their wellbeing. Being vegetarian means you have to try to get the majority of your protein from alternate sources but you may be missing out on other vitamins like iron. Iron is commonly responsible for making healthy red blood cells and carrying oxygen through your lungs to other parts of your body, so having enough could be very important for your overall health.
If you have an organizer for medication and supplements you generally will be less likely to forget to take them with meals when you need them most. An organizer could also prevent you from taking too many supplements which could be very harmful to your health or possibly aggravate any health problems you may already have. You might try speaking with your doctor before starting a new diet and check what they recommend since everyone’s body is very different.
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Hey Pooja . Thanks for the site .
You welcome Dolreich. 🙂
Thanks for sharing such a nice & helpful blog.