Kitchen Chemistry Behind Tandlachi Bhakri(Rice Pancakes)
Goans are very familiar with Tandlachi Bhakri(Rice Pancakes) , kinda like Thalipith prepared in Maharashtra. We make them for breakfast which is very nutritious. But do we know the Chemistry behind this dish? How can we make it more nutritious? Let’s read about it.
THALIPEETH: Very common breakfast in Goan cuisine was TANDLACHI BHAKRI. If it is made of red rice flour it is very nutritious. Whole grains contain the entire grain kernel including the fibrous bran, the nutritious germ and the carb-rich endosperm. White rice has the bran and germ removed, which are the most nutritious parts of the grain and fibers is also removed.
Prebiotics are a type of fibers that the human body cannot digest. They serve as food for probiotics, which are tiny living microorganisms, including bacteria and yeast. Both prebiotics and probiotics support helpful bacteria and other organisms in the gut and digestion becomes easy. Curd, buttermilk are rich in probiotics. These foods naturally contain both prebiotics and probiotics. We have white rice and so in order to add fibers and other nutrients to our breakfast, it is advisable to mix small quantities of ragi, bajra, wheat, soya bean and whole wheat flour to rice flour and make Thalipeeth. Mixing cereals and pulses increases the nutritional value. Care should be taken not to use flour of polished grains. They should be whole grain flours. “Mixing grains is a healthy option as each of them has their own unique nutritional value and composition. If a certain nutrient is lacking in one, it can be compensated by adding another. Moreover, the fibre content in a mix is generally higher” according to Nutritionist, Dr Shalini Singhal.
In rice bhakri we have only rice flour but in thalipeeth(not typical Maharashtrian dish) one can use whole grain flour of red rice, wheat, jowar, barley, bajra and nachni and gram, soya flour(to add nutritional value of protein). It enhances the fibre and protein quality. It lowers the glycemic index. Just as we make rice bhakri, add to the mixed flour grated coconut, finely chopped green chillies, coriander leaves, onion, (can addd methi leaves), cumin powder, add little curd( to add lactobacilli), add water and salt, little jiggery and mix the batter. Keep for 15 minutes and pour little batter on tava, pat it evenly and thin. Add little oil and cook on medium flame golden brown on both the sides. Enjoy with butter or sauce!
Enjoy Cooking! Happy learning!.
Author of this article is Vrinda Borker.