Plaintain jam / kelyancho halwo / Easy Banana Jam

This is a recipe from Goa called kelyancho halwo (in konkani) enjoyed by everybody. In konkani we call kele for banana and halwo for jam. Hence the name kelyancho halwo. Very easy to make and taste delicious. This can be eaten for breakfast with chapati.
- 3-4 ripened plantains (Type of banana used for this particular recipe)
- 1 cup sugar according to one’s own taste
- 3-4 cloves
- 1 tablespoon ghee or clarified butter
- 1 cup water

The plantains must be very ripe for this recipe.

 Heat up ghee and add cloves. Fry for a minute until fragrance comes out. Now fry plantains until they start changing their color. Add water, cover and boil on medium heat. Check in between to see if they are cooked. After they become soft, add sugar and cook for some time till sugar gets dissolved completely.
There, plantain jam or kelyancho halwo( we call it in Goa) is ready to eat. Â Store in a container and refrigerate . You can eat this with Chapati during Tea Time.